Saturday Roll Call
Good morning boys and girls of Lincoln Land. Looks like we got some sprinkles here in my neck of the woods overnight. But that is about it - sprinkles as it is still dry under the eaves of the house.
Party time here in a short while. It will be great to meet and greet all that have been posting on the board and hear voices that go with the avatars.
Dave and I have an errand to Lincolnwood here in a short while. We are going to a place that custom makes Murphy beds. We have one already in our guest room, a queen sized bed with a wardrobe attached and now we want to put one in another room of the house. We will tell you all more later on at Lucy's. I will bring recipe copies of what we have with in case anyone is interested.
I am disappointed that some of our friends from the southern area of the state cannot make. I guess we will need to make a road trip and visit you all down south next time.
Open RNY May 7
Good Morning IL family.
yay for all of you who get to party tonight and Lucy's!! I am so upset that I can't be there. I was SO looking forward to it. We had to postpone my parents 50th wedding anniversary party because of me as well.
Today I will do the same things that I have been doing, resting, sipping and walking...LOL that's the story of my life right now. Oh and I will also be keeping an eye on my G-Tube site because yesterday when I took the gauze off, it was all oozy and red tinged. With my luck it's infected!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and to all who are partying tonight.....HAVE FUN!!!!
Good morning Chris and IL~
I am up early because Maddie and I are going to her school and help w/ the spring clean up. Then we are off to her 11:15 soccer game and then home to get ready for the party. My dad comes home today, so I will swing by there house before I head out. I got the driving directions for Lucy's. Not bad. It said only said 1 hous and 12 min. That means about 50 min for me. I had a few WOW moments yesterday at the Pulm. appt. I will share at party. One minor detail I left out...I screwed up my knee playing soccer. I just hope it need time to heal. It's on the same knee that I reconstructive surgery on. It hurts like a mother!!! I'm not letting that stop me though! I can't wait to see everyone!!
Good morning Christine and Illinois! It's a rainy morning here too, but it doesn't put a damper on today at all. We're going to Lucy's for a party! I can't wait to get going so I can meet all of you! Monica...We'll miss you but you still need to take it easy and get yourself recovered. There will be a next time and we'll see you then. Have a great day everyone!

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!